Tree vs Plant labels, which is better for your plant or tree?
At Hardy Labels we offer both hanging labels and plant labels. But how do you choose? This blog explains that a ‘tree label’ could be either style! It depends on the size position and shape of the tree.
Firstly, our basic advice is that plant labels inserted in the ground meet most requirements. Where there is dense shade under a spreading tree a plant label in the ground shows up well. Sometimes ground cover is an issue – such as tall grass around a tree. There are trees that will be better suited to a hanging label, see the one in a pear tree in the photo above. We chose the font ‘Frederika the Great’ it has a lovely textured look.
Secondly, exceptions to a basic rule do exist; look out for those exceptions! When considering a hanging label, remember that foliage can obscure the label. Think about where the label will be viewed from. Our hanging labels attach to a small branch with the aluminium wire supplied. Do leave ample slack in the wire; this allows the branch room to grow and prevents strangulation. Check every few years and adjust or move the label if you find it has got tight, this avoids problems developing.
We don’t stock tree labels that are designed to be nailed into a solid tree trunk; as the tree grows the nail gets slowly ‘sucked’ into the tree. Some designs use a coiled spring to keep the label tight against the tree trunk whilst also providing a little growing space. Unfortunately you have to back the nail out of the bark every few years or risk the whole label getting swallowed by the tree!
We hope that this helps with the choice between Tree vs Plant labels.